Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Long time no blog!!

Sooo... just a very quick update! I put the flowers aside after the first term. I guess i just lost interest, i still have them sitting in my studio, so you never know - i might pull them out again and finally finish them to my satisfaction! I picked up again from where i left off last year- coating copper with resin to give it a completely different texture & feel to it, it also means that i can colour it brightly (LOVE bright colours atm!). I have been using ovals and circles as my starting point for each piece - cutting out hollow and solid shapes from the copper and then either forming these into 3D objects or leaving them flat (depending on what i plan to use them for). I have also added elements of changeability within some of the pieces, some parts can be removed, pulled apart completely, or changed around... just for a bit of fun.Here is a snippet from a recent artist statement i have written:
My work focuses on interaction, both within the composition of the works components and also in the way in which some elements of certain pieces can be changed, moved and removed to the wearers liking. I like to experiment with shapes, textures and the flat and three dimensional, creating juxtapositions with opposites and contrasts. Repetition, solid and hollow forms, bright colours, and layering enhance the visual appeal. Textures and surfaces play a major role in my pieces as touching, pulling apart, changing, and just general interaction with the work is so important.

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